November 10th—Saturday

Ever since the charming bicycle ride Anna Lee and I had at Staten Island, we have been looking forward with great pleasure to one we then agreed on taking in the fall, when the leaves would be dyed and beautiful. It was to be the closing one of the season.

Instead of taking this ride on Staten Island as was first thought of, we went with our wheels to Montclair, N, J. where we had in every way a charming time. After taking lunch with Misses Gunsten and Jacobsen, we set out wildly to explore the country. We rode along many beautiful roads, and through a very picturesque country, and finally landed on the summit of Eagle Rock. Here were also our “hosts”, Miss Gunsten and Miss Jacobsen. The view from there was most imposing, and we were greatly charmed with its beauty.

Leaving our friends, we rode on further, and returned to the rock as darkness was fast setting in. It was only with great difficulty that we were able to fumble our way through, along the narrow and twisting and turning paths which led down to the foot. We got there finally in good style, none the worse off for our experience. Took supper again at the girls’, and after a very pleasant little stay, took the train for home. The day was at outset somewhat cool and windy, but became more agreeable as it went on.

Nov. 11th—Sunday

Lived today in the peaceful and charming atmosphere of the happenings of yesterday. My little friend came over late in the afternoon and we went to the concert of the Norwegian Singing Society at Lamgerbund Hail, Brooklyn. Concert did not begin until late, and in the meantime, we went out for a stroll and walked a few blocks. Came home very late, as the last number of the program was one my own choir is to sing at our concert this winter.

Nov. 14th, 21st, 28th

Heard, with Anna, lectures given at the Baptist Temple, by Rev. Cortlandt Myers on “Athens”, “Rome” and “Jerusalem”. These lectures were finely illustrated and very impressive and entertaining. We met in the Temple each evening, and though having tickets for widely separated seats, by courtesy of the ushers, were permitted to take seats together.


Anna attended service in my church this morning. Saw her home. In the evening, the Norwegian Benefit Association had an entertainment at Hartungs Hail, 19th St. Brooklyn. Choir sang many songs well. Alfred and I played piano solos.

Nov. 30th—Friday

Anna and Mrs. Lee visited us this afternoon and we spent an enjoyable time together. Saw them home to 78th St. Anna received the permission of her mother, and we took a walk in Bay Ridge in the evening, and had a lovely time.